Game Projects

ROBO BRAWL (Unity, C#)

  • 3D shooter action game.
  • MVC Pattern: Player and Enemy has Model, View and Controller.
  • Singleton Pattern: Services like UI, GameManager, AudioManager, PlayerService are created as Singletons.
  • State Machine Pattern: Enemy AI with states PATROL, CHASE, ATTACK.
  • Navmesh was used for enemies chasing the player.
  • Object Pooling: Small enemies and bullets are made available when required using object pooling.
  • Observer Pattern: OnGameOver, OnGameStart, OnGameWin, OnGameLost etc are some examples of custom events used.

MAKE NEW WAY (Unity, C#)

  • 3D puzzle game
  • This is clone of an existing game jam game.
  • MVC Pattern: Level has Model, View and Controller.
  • LevelView(Monobehaviour) collects data about level, gathers input and manages coroutines
  • LevelModel stores the data about blocks and their positions.
  • LevelController implements all the logic.
  • Singleton Pattern: Services like GameManager, AudioManager are created as Singletons.
  • DoTween Package: used for implementing all the required motion mechanics
  • Locked Levels and Unlocking system implemented.
  • Undo Feature implemented using Stack.


  • A Chest System similar to Clash Royale game.
  • Scriptable objects: Different types of chest implemented using scriptable objects
  • They are COMMON, RARE, MYTHIC, LEGENDARY each with a different rarity and a different range of rewards
  • MVC Pattern: Chests implemented using Model, View and Controller
  • Singleton Pattern: Services like Chest Service, UI Service etc are created as Singletons.
  • State Machine Pattern: The button on chest behaves differently under different states like LOCKED, UNLOCKING, UNLOCKED states


  • Side scrolling and infinite runner, background with parallax effect.
  • Spawning trees, coins and enemy at random.
  • Shooting of arrow with particle effects.
  • Player detection and alert circle around the tiger implemented.
  • Animations for all characters.
  • Different game win and loss conditions implemented.
  • Singlton Pattern: Singleton used in Audio Manager.


  • Regular single-player mode
    • Two types of food. Mass gainer food that increases length and score and Mass burner food that decreases length and score
    • Special powerups like Shield, Score doubler, Speed doubler.
  • Death Match mode where two snakes compete each other.
    • The snake that bites its opponent snake wins.
    • When snake eats food, the score increases and length of the other snake increases


  • C++ Console Game of MineSweeper
  • OOPs concepts used
  • Datastructures like arrays, queues etc used